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Become more attractive to sellers as a pre-qualified buyer.

Some realtors require buyers to get pre-qualified before even starting to house hunt.  Pre-qualified vs Pre-approved, you decide.

Holding a map in a car

Before you start looking for your first home, we can help you with a mortgage prequalification.

1st Choice Mortgage CA can help you get pre-qualified or pre-approved and on your way to home ownership! But first, before you start looking, set your priorities; Commute, # of Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Size, etc. Then simply fill out our mortgage prequalification form securely on our website. Some realtors require buyers to get pre-qualified before even starting to house hunt.

Prequalification can be determined by discussing your Credit, Income, and Assets with your 1st Choice Mortgage representative.

Pre-Approval actual documents all of the above and gets you Pre-approved with Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac to give you the most leverage when negotiating with a Seller.

Determine how your credit looks.

Lenders will look at your payment history, income, and current debts to determine how likely you are to pay your loan each month. The number value assigned to your “reliability” is known as your credit score and is one of the biggest factors in getting approved for a mortgage.

There are many websites that allow you to quickly check your credit & credit score for free. Two of our favorites are and

If you have a credit score below 640, consider delving deeper into your report to make sure it is accurate. Stay current with all monthly payments and reduce debt where possible to boost your score.

Get started today!

Fill out the questionnaire on this page to start a discussion about your mortgage needs today!

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